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Letter Factory


 U.S. Arrival Dates for Foreign National Spouse

Key Points to Writing
  • If you haven't already, Take a writing class. English Comp will do.
  • WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
  • Ask for HELP, not knowing what you are doing can hurt you, your "Airmen" and unit.
  • Use various writing resources like Merriam-Webster Online
  • Use a spell checker.  (F7 Word)
  • Remember, there is a purpose for writing a letter or MFR.

The following Example has been taken out of a Word.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know. Everyone of these letters has taken considerable amount of time to put together.  Please treat yourself to something special from one of the ads on the page.  We will both get something out of it.  (All money gathered pays for hosting fees and domain fees.  HONESTLY, when I see money come in it also prompts me to work harder on the site.)

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             (Work Center)
             (Base, STATE  ZIP)

SUBJECT: U.S. Arrival Dates for <FNAME> <MaidenName]

1. The purpose of this letter is to explain the conflicting dates between my marriage certificate and the later date <FNAME> <MI>. <LNAME>, my wife, entered the U.S. as referenced on the Designated Location Move Letter. On ## <Month> <Year> I PCSed to <BASE> AFB, <State>. from Osan AB, Korea on unaccompanied PCS orders. <FNAME> arrived in the U.S. with a non-immigrant fiancée visa on ## <Month> <Year> for our wedding on ## <Month> <Year>. Due to an expected departure date of late <Month> <Year> for an AEF deployment to the 1st ERS, RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus my wife flew back to Korea on ## <Month> <Year>. The 3 weeks <FNAME> was in <State>, and the remaining time before my deployment, was not sufficient time to complete the three month process to file proper forms that would award <FNAME> permanent U.S. resident status.

2. Without permanent residency <FNAME> was not able to return to the U.S. without first re-accomplishing her visa. After <FNAME> arrived back in Korea on ## <Month> <Year>, the two of us began working on an immigrant CR1 visa. The CR1 visa would allow <FNAME> permanent resident status upon entering the U.S. On ## <Month> <Year>, <FNAME> received her immigrant visa and on ## <Month> <Year> she arrived in the U.S. giving her permanent resident status.

3. Attached is a copy of my orders to RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus.  Please contact via e-mail <OFFICIAL EMAIL ADDRESS> or by phone DSN XXX-XXXX  with any questions.

                                                                                              (REQUESTER'S SIGNATURE BLOCK)
                                                                                              Job title
                                                                                              FR 123-45-6789

                                                                                              (COMMANDER'S SIGNATURE BLOCK) 


Reminder, the closing line is 5 spaces below the last line of text.

Reference the following letters in conjunction with this one:

Command Sponsorship Tour Request
Commander's Assessment of Spouse for Accompanied Assignment Request
Designated Location Move (DLM)

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Page Added on: 20 March 2007

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Revised: 10/21/09.