![]() |
Answer: The duty location is always the owning PAS Code. When a member is working in another organization the words "with duty at-----" must follow the owning organization. All evaluators can be from the "loan" organization except for the Senior Rater/Reviewer who must be from the owning organization's chain of command.
2. QUESTION: Where are PRFs maintained after the Central Selection Board (CBS) is completed?
Answer: Immediately following the CSB, the PRFs are placed on optical disk. These microfilmed copies are retained for historical, legal and appeal processes only. They are not maintained in any other record series at the base or major command level.
3. QUESTION: Is an EPR required when a member is AWOL?
Answer: Members in AWOL status receive normal EPRs such as "annual"
and "CRO." They do not receive an EPR just because they are AWOL. If a member is
AWOL for more than 30 consecutive days, the rater must deduct these days from
the period of supervision.
4 QUESTION: When should I receive a copy of my Promotion
Recommendation Form (PRF)?
Answer: Your senior rater should provide you a copy of your PRF
approximately 30 days before the central selection board unless you are meeting
the AF Level Student or Nonline Management Level Review. If you are an AF Level
Student or will compete at the Nonline MLR, you PRF will be mailed from HQ
AFPC/DPPPEB upon completion of MLR.
5 QUESTION: Are promotion statements allowed on PRFs?
Answer: Yes. However, comments must be limited to the next higher grade. Additionally, senior raters should base promotion recommendations only duty performance and the potential based on that performance.
6. QUESTION: Can Letters of Evaluation (LOEs) be seen by
the ratees?
Answer: There are no regulatory provisions that prohibit an evaluator from showing or giving a copy of an LOE to the ratee.
7. QUESTION: How are senior rater "DP" allocations
calculated? What does carry-over and aggregation mean?
Answer: Management Levels determine each senior rater's share of allocations by applying the appropriate allocation rate to their IPZ and BPZ eligibles and round down fractions to the next whole number. For example, a 55% allocation rate applied to a senior rater's 10 IPZ captains would yield 5 "DP" allocations. (10 IPZ eligibles x 55% allocation rate = 5.5 which rounds down to 5 allocations.) Since all allocations are rounded down by senior raters, the fractions of allocations left over accrue at the management level and result in allocations called "carry--over" DP allocations. These allocations are awarded to account for variations of quality within organizations under the management level. The management level then notifies each senior rater of the number of officers he or she may submit to compete for carry-over allocations at the Management Level Review. Senior raters who do not have the minimum number of IPZ officers to generate an allocation may compete them through the process known as "aggregation." Grouping of such officers and applying the allocation rate yields, after rounding down, the number of "DP" allocations available to officers competing in aggregation at the Management Level Review.
8. QUESTION: What happens at the Management Level Review
Answer: MLRs are conducted 60-40 days prior to the Central Selection Board. Management Levels gather all senior raters with eligibles and have four functions: 1) Quality review all Records of Performance (ROP), Duty Qualification History Briefs (DQHB), and Promotion Recommendation Forms (PRF) of all I/APZ officers in order to identify and discuss with appropriate senior raters those PRFs that appear to contain exaggerated or unrealistic comments or comments that do not appear to support the overall recommendation based on the ROP; 2) To award DP recommendations to those officers whose senior rater had too few eligibles to earn a DP allocation (aggregation); 3) To award carry-over DP allocations; and 4) To award DP allocations to Management Level Students.
9. QUESTION: Under what circumstances can the rating chain
request an extension for the closeout date of a report?
Answer: The closeout date can be extended by this office under the
following circumstances:
1 A negative incident of serious significance occurred after the closeout of the
report but before the report is a matter of record that is of such gravity it
cannot be ignored;
2 The report is an "Annual";
3 There will be no change of rater during the period of extension. All requests
must be made by the servicing Military Personnel Flight either via message,
letter, CRT, FAX, or E-Mail and must contain an information copy to the
servicing MAJCOM. HQ AFPC/DPPPEP retains approval/disapproval authority of all
10 QUESTION: If I am eligible for an upcoming promotion
board and I have an assignment, who is responsible for accomplishing my
Promotion Recommendation Form (PRF)?
Answer: Your senior rater as of the accounting date (150 day prior to the Central Selection Board) will accomplish your PRF. If you depart PCS prior to day 150, the date the gaining accounting and finance office establishes as your Date Arrived Station (DAS) will determine which senior rater is responsible for completing your PRF. If your DAS is on or before day 150, the gaining senior rater is responsible for completing the PRF. If your DAS is after day 150, the losing senior rater will write the PRF.
11. QUESTION: What is the evaluation process for Air
Force Level Students?
Answer: All Air Force officers departing for AF-Level Training have a Narrative-Only PRF accomplished by their losing senior rater, regardless of promotion eligibility. A Narrative-Only PRF is accomplished and signed the same as regular PRFs except the SRID, "Promotion Zone" and the rating blocks are not completed. The Narrative-Only PRF is filed at HQ AFPC and is used for promotion consideration only when the officer is eligible while in "student" status. Air Force officers who are promotion-eligible while in "student" status (signed in to school on or before the PRF Accounting Date) compete for "Definitely Promote" recommendations through the Air Force Student Management Level Review (MLR) at HQ AFPC. This MLR serves as the student's senior rater for the purpose of completing the PRF. The MLR uses a duty qualification history brief and the officer's record of performance (ROP), which consists of OPRs, OERs, Training Reports, Letters of Evaluation and the Narrative-Only PRF to determine a promotion recommendation and complete the Recommendation-Only PRF. A Recommendation-Only PRF is the PRF that is prepared at HQ AFPC to document the results of the AF review. It identifies the course the officer is enrolled in and is the one actually signed and marked ("Definitely Promote," "Promote," or "Do Not Promote This Board') by the MLR president. Essentially, the Narrative-Only and Recommendation-Only PRFs are "married up" to form the overall PRF. The PRFs are filed in the Officer Selection Record for use by the Central Selection Board. If not selected for promotion, the Narrative-Only PRF is retained for the next evaluation cycle for as long as the officer is in student status.
12. QUESTION: How do we handle reports due on members who are on appellate review leave?
Answer: Reports are not prepared on members undergoing appellate review
since there is no direct supervision on which to report. MPFs should ensure the
next annual report is
projected in the system, then update DIN VBN to "6." This will suppress internal
edits, preventing an EPR/OPR shell from being produced and avoiding "overdue
report" remarks on Transaction Registers.
13. QUESTION: When must a report be written on a member
whose last report is more than a year old?
Answer: Normally, reports are written as soon as the rater has 120
days of supervision. However, in cases where the annual closeout date has
already passed and there's a change of rater, the number of required days
supervision is decreased to 60 days. If the losing rater has at least 60 days
supervision on the CRO date, the rater prepares a report. The number days
supervision will be the actual number of days accumulated as of the CRO date and
the reason for report will be "Annual." If the losing rater does not have 60
days supervision on the CRO date the report is reprojected for a 120 day report.
For example:
SSgt Doe's annual report was projected to close out 15 Jul 98. He had a change
of rater on 1 Jun 98 and his report was reprojected to close out 28 Sep 98 (no
CRO report was required due to insufficient supervision--he's assigned to a
high-TDY unit).
On 20 Jul 98, SSgt Doe had another change of rater. SSgt Doe's report was again
reprojected, now to close out 16 Nov 98 (even though the CRO takes place after
his normal annual date he's still projected for a 120-day report because his
losing rater does not have at least 60 days supervision).
Now, SSgt Doe's newest supervisor finally receives approval on that humanitarian
reassignment he requested 3 months ago, and CRO takes place on 23 Sep 98. The
next person in the rating chain becomes SSgt Doe's new rater on that day, and
SSgt Doe's losing rater writes an annual EPR closing out 23 Sep 98 with 66 days
QUESTION: Can I use periods and exclamation points on a performance
report to add some emphasis to key phrases?
Answer: Punctuation (among other things) should not be used to emphasize words or phrases. Bullet statements are not sentences and do not require periods. Limited use of exclamation points is acceptable; multiple exclamation points at the end of a statement are prohibited.
15. QUESTION: When can we enter "N/A" in the Commander's
Review block on AF Fm 911?
Answer: You may enter "N/A" in the Commander's Review block only when the Unit Commander is an evaluator on the EPR. We commonly receive reports where "N/A" has been entered because the Wing Commander was the final evaluator--this is incorrect. When the member's Unit Commander is junior in grade to the rater's rater or endorser, he or she must complete the Commander's Review before the report goes forward for rater's rater/endorser comments. This also applies to enlisted personnel assigned to the Wing Staff; they are normally attached to the local Mission Support Squadron for administrative purposes, and the MSS Commander would be the individual to perform the Commander's Review. In the rare situation where the Wing Commander is the rater, the Unit Commander will perform the Commander's Review after the rater.
16. QUESTION: What rating is updated in the system when,
during the Commander's Review, the Unit Commander nonconcurs with the final
Answer: In most cases, the final rating given by the Unit Commander will be the rating updated in the system. However, in the rare situations where the report is closed out by a single evaluator who outranks the Unit Commander, the ratings of the single evaluator will be updated. In these cases, the Unit Commander may nonconcur and attach an AF Fm 77 to explain his or her nonoccurrence.
17 QUESTION: Who, exactly, qualifies as a "single
evaluator" for EPR purposes?
Answer: To qualify as a single evaluator, he or she must be the individual's rater and hold the grade of 06 (Colonel) or higher. This single evaluator can close out the EPR; no other evaluator comments are required (but Commander's Review must still be accomplished).
Page Updated on: 29 December 2005