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John Keegan states in his book, The Mask of Command According to Keegan, "An inactive leader, one who does nothing, sets no striking example, says nothing stirring, rewards no more than he punishes, insists above all in being different from the masses in his modesty, prudence, and rationality, may sound like no leader at all. But such, none the less, is the sort of leader the nuclear world needs, even if it does not know that it wants him." Is this then, the type of leader you want in the 21st Century? Or will our leader be wearing another mask of command? And will the mask match ideology and the major issues of the time? The key then, to predicting the right leader with the right mask of command to lead in the 21st Century in predicting the environmental make-up in that era. More important, what reputation will be required to allow such an individual to lead in the 21st Century Healthcare Environment? Are you building that reputation?
Flexible behavior required. Remember you are "painting your canvass" everyday. Think of those people who succeeded or the situations that existed, and the qualities/circumstances you did not necessarily like and consider adopting them. Visibility and credibility go hand-in-hand. If your playing face time games at the expense of the mission in your unit and neglecting your people’s needs for your’s your in trouble. Its too bad we sacrifice true deep programs for superficial programs and face time. Great briefings and talking papers. Your IMAGE is based on EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL attributes combined. Comments? Your IMAGE is based on EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL attributes combined. Be sensitive to the perceptions others have of you. Know your judged from afar. Its embedded in your reputation. Sometimes perceptions say more than reality. Need to self assess, get feedback (the real value of mentorship); sometimes the mind’s eye can’t distinguish between reality or perception. Golden Rule: Trust begets trust, integrity begets integrity, action begets action...... Why is demeanor and composure important? Demeanor and composure: Manage and cultivate it. Know that your values project your demeanor and image. Act and behave naturally; pretending and facading will only go so far; work on being natural. Be able to put it on the table and integrate consensus in conflict situations Is appearance everything? Appearance: You are noticed from all angle and perspectives with varying degrees of criteria. Have a vision; understand there is more than one way to get there. Lead from vision and values versus traditional authority. Don’t stay locked in to one idea or think that socialization and being in the right place at the right time will get you to the top.. Opportunity: An opportunity to excel and contribute exists at every level at every moment to improve the situation, train, and influence the outcome of events .... jump on opportunities to grow!! How do symbols play a part in your career and organization? What story do you want to tell? Symbols: They tell a story. What story do you want to tell? How important is socialization? Socialization - COMMUNICATE IN SOUND BITES: Need to do it. May be away to advance to your cause and mission; A way to reinforce your commitment and direction. A way to integrate your leadership style, ideas, visions, values, plans, desires. in social situations, learn to listen and talk interns of the other person’s interests and perspectives. Will be an opportunity to learn. Do you understand NETWORK ETIQUETTE or ANTHROPOLOGY? Can you give some side effects of poor organizational and personal behavior? Side effects of some behavior: Know that some behaviors and actions results in a positive or improved contribution or outcome, know that negative perceptions and behaviors among colleagues may arise. Why is parochialism or Tragedy Of the Commons dangerous Tragedy Of the Commons and parochialism. Unfortunately it exists. May need to do more selling, training, and education than normal. Must remove the fears behind the resistance or perceived threat. May be more than a perceived threat; may be an actual uncovering of something else. Still it does not result in a collective good (The Fifth Discipline). When should you take credit for a job well done? Leaders know who is carrying our the mission; who isn’t or who’s playing face time games (but make sure they know); but the key is to know what their criteria is for they consider "real" work. Understand depth versus surface; people can see through phony behavior. OPRs say one thing, actions and behaviors another. Its your reputation at stake. Taking credit. Word-of-mouth travels far. Don't exaggerate, be credible. Don't hide the truth, tell it. Don’t bad mouth others; write letters yourself and address it in an appropriate forum or talk it our with yourself (Lincoln On Leadership). Why are interpersonal skills important? Do you listen to yourself? Think through your projected acts or actions, programs, opinions. Incorporate humor and storytelling when possible. Understand that a culture does exist. Regional or local variations may exist. unwritten expectations. Beware and manage the "clicks". Interpersonal Skills: LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN..... Appreciate people for who they are. Be sensitive to how you interpret, react, respond, and internalize messages. Be calm. Catch yourself before you respond. Listen to yourself. Communication: Need to bridge clinical, technical, administrative, and managerial to effect change, collaborations, and mission accomplishment. Empathy and understanding the points of view (and what’s behind them) is a must in negotiation or consensus building sessions. People see the world differently; you are what you were when; know what significant emotional events trigger someone’s perceptions and pints of view. Understand sources of conflict(culture, turf, personal agenda, infringement, misunderstanding, mistrust, differing information, values, beliefs, prevailing pressures, organizational structure). Describe why negotiation skill are important. In negotiation situations: Go from divergence to convergence, integrate and engineer consensus, evaluate the merits by establishing the criteria. Be committed to the mission. Be a trainer, educator, teacher. Do perceptual switching of places to understand points of view or see them in their location. Conflict resolution/negotiation: Process should include exchange of ideas, needs, agreement. Win-win; expand the pie. Be integrative. Get things in the open. Get everyone to see the common goal. Do your homework; includes all side of the issues and negotiating strategy. Beware of emotional tactics. Don't trap yourself with your ego. Behave objectively. Identify common goal or vision. Be open and check your openness, internally and non-verbally; may be sending conflicting signals. Ask questions, lots of questions. Build small victories and follow a pattern. What are some ways you can enhance your reputation? What’s your personal philosophy? Better get one fast or someone will give it you? Mentorship and networking OK; its great when a distinguishable contribution to the mission and organization results. Should be used for learning and guidance versus blind reliance to career moves. Deliver what you say you are going to deliver. Keep the boss informed. Affiliation with ACHE and other groups helps. Review And Refine My Roles, Responsibilities, And Identifying Characteristics. Channel just and unjust criticism to get positive results. Learn to discern and judge accordingly. Don’t spread rumors. Ask questions. Experiment. Be able to sit in the unknown and open-up to new ideas. Learn to ask the right questions. Don’t accept the first or obvious (usually short term) answers. Check you own though processes. To Sustain Trust: Constancy of course (vision, strategies, objectives), congruity (theory to practice), reliability (support in moments that matter, removal of obstacles), integrity (honor commitments and promises). Be straight and not clever or cute; be real. No game playing. What are some strategies you can use to respond to critics (fact based, communication, relationship)? Rehearse and visualize yourself in communication situations. Anticipate responses and objections. Develop strategies to respond to critics (fact based, communication, relationship). Is knowing someone more important than establishing credibility and trust? People have to build a reputation too --- how are you helping build their’s? Know who’s got whom by what - draw the circles of influence. Support people who hunt and report unsettling information, encourage ambiguity, share vision, challenge them to ask why, facilitate disorder a newer and better from of organization emerges. Learn what you can from your existing job ... and more ... you’ll set yourself up for the next one. No longer a steady career path -- up, done, lateral -- key: make a contribution within your job sphere and outside your cubicle. ... learning vital ... this is the age of homework ....get smart as often as possible. leaders build learning organizations ... if your not investing in reskilling, your not renewing your capital .... education is economics ... virtual EWIs are the wave of the future .... Have an Upton-like society in your organization? Tape library? Budget for training/education? Grown lately? Better have! Perpetual learning and personal mastery are musts --- how do 21st Century Leaders muster and sustain? Are you on the road to towering competence? Asking others?. Always grasp for the learning experience. Develop your skill, network ... Competencies and knowledge: Leadership, profession of arms, vertical or stovepipe (technical/linear, left brain), horizontal or cross functional (creative, right brain, managerial). Must be both a generalist and specialist. Must have a niche skill to remember you by and ability to apply or grow in another area. Be able to integrate/connect ambiguity. Operate on the fringes of respective specialty and develop cutting edge programs. Develop a distinguishable characteristic, skill, attitude, program you’re proud of.