Date: 14 Dec 00
Take Note this is DATED 14 DEC 2000
Development of an optional polyester uniform for people sensitive to wool and
an athletic cut uniform for body builders were some of the uniform changes
recommended by the 95th Air Force Uniform Board and approved by Air Force Chief
of Staff Gen. Michael E. Ryan last month.
Nineteen recommendations were approved, 47 were disapproved, 10 were referred
for additional study, and eight were addressed, but require further staffing.
Some changes require uniform design modification, or development and testing,
and evaluation by senior leadership before they can be implemented.
The following recommendations were approved by the chief of staff.
Implementation guidance is pending.
* Standardization of the all-weather coat by removing the gun-flap on the
current issued coat
* Requirement:
- Wear all ribbons, including devices, when wearing ribbons
- Tabs will be added to the maternity jumper
- Female officer mess dress shoulder boards will be resized
- Gore-Tex parka will be available in military clothing sales stores as an
optional item
* Wear of flight gear authorized for Phoenix Raven personnel
* Development of an optional 100 percent acrylic or an acrylic and wool blend
pullover sweater
* Development of badges proportioned between the miniature and regular sized
* Development of an optional polyester uniform for people sensitive to wool *
Development of an athletic cut uniform
* Investigate a fire resistance uniform for fire fighters
*Changing language in Air Force Instruction 39-2903 to read:
- Fingernail length must not interfere with duty performance or hinder
proper fit of prescribed safety equipment or uniform items
- Attache cases, gym bags, backpacks and women's purses may be carried in
either hand as long as they do not interfere with rendering proper military
* When current supplies run out, the women's handbag will no longer be issued
in basic training
* Plain dark blue or black ropes, silver or plastic small-link chain and
clear plastic chain attachments may be worn for access badges
* Center excellence-in-competition badges on the welt pocket of the service
dress jacket
* Pharmacy technician certification badges may be worn on the white utility
uniform one-half inch above the nametag
* Camel pack water containers may be worn as part of the standard hot weather
* Improve alignment of women's tie tab with collar Items referred for
additional study are:
* Use of the same non-roll elastic in the maternity blue pants that is used
in the maternity BDU pants
* Resizing women's tall-sized uniforms
* Resizing tall-sized mess dress uniforms
* Develop brown or black thermal underwear to be wom with BDUs
* Upgrade Air Force BDU cap
* Increasing the circumference of maternity BDU sleeve by 2 inches
* Redesign the maternity BDU slacks by either adding an adjustable drawstring
or adjustable shoulder straps
* Review optional purses, available through the Army and Air Force Exchange,
which meet Air Force requirements
* Review Space/Missile badge
* Review sleeveless BDU shirt and shorts
The following items were addressed by the uniform board, but require
further staffing:
* Standardize food service uniforms Air Force-wide
* Removal of the cloth tape bearing the words special agent for Air Force
Office of Special Investigations members and add a subdued U.S. collar insignia
* Redesign of the combat weather team beret device
* Allowing inconspicuous/conservative brand names on the temple piece or arm
of eyeglasses and sunglasses
* Wear enlisted rank on BDU headgear
* Allowing for the permanent wear of U.S. Army Ranger tab or patch
* Allowing wear of the U.S. Army Air Assault functional badge
* Making wear of the occupational badge mandatory on the service dress.