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Letter Factory

Letter of Appreciation

Reason:  Ceremony - Chain of Command

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Key Points to Writing
  • Remember, the purpose for the Letter of Appreciation.
  • Ensure the letter is timely and accurate.
  • Ensure everyone who participated is addressed.
  • Use the right words, utilize a resource like Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Use a spell checker (F7 Word), this will probably be used by the individual later.  

The following Letter of Appreciation example was taken from a Word document.  If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so.  If you have found this information useful, please let me know as each letter has taken a considerable amount of time to prepare.

Copy Directly on to Unit Letter Head!



SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation

1. It is with great pleasure that I convey my sincere appreciation to your personnel for their
superior performance and extraordinary dedicated efforts regarding ###th Air Refueling Wing
Chain of Command on Saturday, May 1st, 2004 at the Fuel Cell. By all measurable standards,
this ceremonial event exceeded all expectations and set a precedence of excellence for all to

2. Comments received from distinguished visitors and special guests were most favorable and
confirmed my thoughts pertaining to the professional and highly effective manner in which the
change of command was planned and executed. I understand and appreciate the long, hard hours
of work and preparation to correlate the myriad of details necessary to ensure the success of this
event. This demonstration of exceptional skill and resourcefulness in coordinating all major
tasks was nothing short of superior. Said one World War II veteran, “I was moved to tears today
as I watched with great pride the professionalism, the precise execution and commitment to
excellence exhibited by all those who participated in this memorable event”. That says it all.

3. In almost 30 years of service with the Air Force, I have not seen a better or more patriotic
event. I felt a deep and profound sense of pride as I watched the flawless execution of this
memorable event. It is only befitting that we recognize those who performed their duties
brilliantly and made such a lasting impression upon all those who attended. Please take the
earliest opportunity to recognize those individuals who made a contribution to the success of the
Wing Chain of Command Ceremony. I will always remember this event with great fondness.
Thank you for a job extraordinarily well done above and beyond the call of duty.

                                                                                                  FIRST M. LAST, Colonel, USAFR


Reminder, Signature lines are 5 spaces below the last line of text.

Comments:  All text in blue will need to be modified

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Letter Added: 26 February 2006

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Revised: 02/26/06.