Award Info
Air Force Productivity Excellence Award (AFPEA)
AFI 36-2830 |
Key Points to Writing
- Not QUANTIFYING bullet
- Not spelling out number under 10
- Using both -- and ;
- Common misspellings
- Not spelling out acronyms
- Gender Shifts
- Tense Shifts, going from "s" to "ed"
- Using "which" and "that"
1. The competition cycle for this year's AFPEA has begun. This award recognizes
individuals and small groups (no more than four members) who, through their
creativity and on their own initiative, developed innovative ideas to improve
the quality and productivity of AF/DoD operations.
Detailed guidelines and eligibility criteria may be found on the AF Manpower
Agency (AFMA) web site. Nominations must have demonstrated verifiable tangible
savings of at least $1 million over a 12-month period. The 12-month period must
have been within the last 5 years, between 15 Nov 03 and 15 Nov 08.
2. Please review the eligibility criteria carefully before submitting
nominations. Past award cycles indicate two main reasons nominations are
returned as not eligible:
a. This is not an organizational award; therefore, organizations, units,
offices, etc., are not eligible.
b. Savings may not be projected or estimated. Tangible savings must be
validated by appropriate management officials (e.g., manpower officials must
validate manpower savings).
3. Each wing/equivalent or Headquarters Directorate may submit one nomination
to ACC for competition. ACC’s selection committee will select five nominations
for Air Force-level competition. Air Force level awards will be presented at the
Pentagon in early spring of 2009.