Award Examples
Technician of the Year
Award Cat: Junior
Winner: Unit
AFI ? Local OI?
Key Points to Writing
- WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
- Ask for HELP, the only person looking out for #1 is you.
- The only person looking out for your subordinates is YOU!
- Use a spell checker. F7 works great in MS Word.
- Use Merriam-Webster Online
to improve your vocabulary.
The following Example has been taken out of a FORMFLOW document. I have changed mission information to protect myself and the
people I have received the information from. I will attempt to give a
little insight to the entire process if I know it. If you would like to
submit an example please
If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so. Also, if
you have found this information useful, please let me know. Everyone of these
items has taken considerable amount of time to put together. Please use
the ads on this site to help support the site. All money gathered pays for
hosting fees and domain fees. (HONESTLY, when I see money come in it also
prompts me to work harder on the site.)
Copied from Form Flow used in MS Word with these settings
Laser Jet 4M
Pg Stats: .6 LT .6 RT .5 T .5 B
- Impacted Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) on daily basis; sustained 98.2%
Transit-cased System (DTS) intelligence exploitation capability for Satellite
and Global Hawk (GH)
-- Corrected 85 satellite interface problems; ensured collection of 29,535
satellite images vital to AOR
-- Loaded 214 image library tapes; increased
accessible reference information by 926% to 78K images
-- Fixed library
database; recognized 32 tapes erroneously marked full; added 1,120 gigabytes
-- Rush ordered 151 images; enabled U-2 intelligence analyst to locate Al-Qaeda
and Taliban forces
- Key person in modification of 1,800 sq/ft facility; unit's first four-platform
common operations floor
-- Led team; installed 125 shielded twisted pair (STP) cables; totaled 1.5 miles
of cable in 38 hr period
-- Acute attention to detail; labeled 125 cables and installed 156 STP
connectors; less than 5% error
-- Moved 39 mission and 12 support systems; mission capable in 32 hours, 16
hours ahead of schedule
- Expedited relocation of satellite image server;
increased usable workstations by 25%; from 18 to 25
-- Enhanced workstation communication bandwidth from 179 kbit/sec to 356 kbit/sec;
199% increase!
- Unmatched efficiency; A1C <LNAME> singularly reduced exploitation time by 63
seconds; added 14%
more time for analysts to meet CSAF 8 minute timeline of intelligence imaging to
bombs on target
- Hand-picked for Langley AFB TDY; helped sister unit prepare for Phase IV DIA
security inspection
-- Identified 38 pieces of equipment missing appropriate labels or compartment
codes; corrected 37
cables not following classification color code and labeling; eliminated 8
serious security write-ups
- Authored DTS System Administrator book; single reference used to train
personnel on five systems
-- Wrote 72 operating procedures and 5 troubleshooting guides; manual used to
train 23 technicians
-- <GRP> SAV identified DTS Administrator Book as DGS-2 "Benchmark"; standard
to be used by all
- When every second counted, A1C <LNAME> software knowledge directly impacted
mission success
-- Distributed list of commonly accessed websites to nine imagery analysts;
saved 10 seconds/image
-- Modified software on 12 GH workstations to display imagery directories; saved
4 seconds/file
- Spent 164 hrs furthering UNIX programming knowledge; increased responsiveness
to customers daily
-- Wrote backup program needed to save only critical new
information; saved 1 1/2 man-hours daily
-- Modified message routing program; fully automated to removed human error;
saved 16 mins/shift
-- Coauthored GH program to verify all images were correctly sorted and stored
after each mission;
removed human error and reduced tedious 30 minute process to just a single 10
second task
- Sought better understanding on how analysts do their job; trained in basic
imagery exploitation tasks
-- Increased knowledge of intelligence software interoperability and
characteristics decreased amount
of time spent analyzing problems; troubleshot
exploitation software problems in 5 min -vs- 8 min
-- Added knowledge led to better working relations with customers; developed 20
system procedures
used to train analysts on simple system tasks; cut 14 minutes off satellite
imagery response time
- Technically persuasive and sharp! Represented <SQU> system administrators
during COMACC visit
- Single handedly developed DTS backup strategy; produced a 23-step procedure
utilizing 12 tape
drives; increased backup capability to 5.76 Gigabit (Gb)/min from 3.6 Gb/hour;
960% speed increase
- Led team in thorough pre-inspection of Deployable Transit-cased System (DTS)
network setup; prepped for stringent Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Phase IV
security inspection
-- Created database identifying 72 network identities on 34 systems; required
for system layout update
-- Corrected labeling on 56 network cables for 3 different networks; averted
negative system write-ups
- Completed and verified 564 system backups; insured 100% data integrity in case
of emergency
- Led packing of 12 satellite workstations and 4 peripherals for relocation;
ensured smooth transition
-- Completed necessary system deployment tasks;
ensured network was deployable in under 3 hours
- Reviewed/updated 197 work unit codes; enabled proper equipment identification
during maintenance
- Fixed Imagery Exploitation Support System message link between forward
deployed unit and ground
station; ensured successful GH mission--received letter of recognition for
outstanding technical ability
- <#> ANG/CC presented coin and Letter of Appreciation for outstanding GH system
No spelling mistakes, good package. But there were others that were
stronger. |