Award Examples
Enlisted Recognition Program (NCO of the Year)
Award Cat: NCO
Winner: no
Key Points to Writing
- WRITE!!! The more you do it, the better you get.
- Ask for HELP, the only person looking out for #1 is you.
- The only person looking out for your subordinates is YOU!
- Use a spell checker. F7 works real
fast in MS Word.
- Use various writing resources like Merriam-Webster Online
to improve your vocabulary.
The following example has been taken out of a Formflow document. I have changed mission information to protect myself and the
people I have received the information from. I will attempt to give a
little insight to the entire process if I know it.
If you have anything you would like to submit, please do so. Also, if
you have found this information useful, please let me know. Everyone of these
items has taken considerable amount of time to put together. Please use
the ads on this site to help support the site. All money gathered pays for
hosting fees and domain fees. (HONESTLY, when I see money come in it also
prompts me to work harder on the site.)
- Best of the Best! Unit's #1 of 118 NCO's; Mission Intelligence Segment (MIS) and Communications
Segment (COS) Shop Chief; supervised 15 airmen & 14 contractors working 6-8 weekly CENTCOM
U-2 flights; each 12 hr mission exceeded $1M to conduct--sustained $1B Distributed Ground
(DGS-?) weapon system...AF's premier multi-source intel system using reachback comms architecture
If you use Best of the Best, you need to Quantify it. Otherwise it is
just fluff.
- Refocused DGS-?'s mission following 9/11; realigned operational systems/assets towards CENTCOM
-- Packaged and shipped out system gear to set up DGS-? Forward's time-sensitive-targeting mission
in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF); helped put the noose on al-Qaeda terrorist
- Expertly installed a slew of weapon system upgrades--advances helped identify/engage/kill al-Qaeda
-- Ushered in advanced mensurated target coordinate mods; accuracy improved 80%...maximized kills
-- Routed time critical information through USAF's Distributed Common Ground System wide area
network; boosted circuit speed 600%...gave shooters access to targetable intel at unprecedented rate
-- Solved show-stopping tech issues, led to record setting imagery collection--zenith of the 'kill chain'
- Validated the Tactical Support Equipment install--allowed the U-2 to overcome daunting technical and
geographic obstacles to operate in Afghan airspace by freeing the aircraft of it's line-of-sight tether
-- High-tech, complex direct-to-satellite communications package marshalled in the U-2 as the 1st intel
platform over Afghanistan; prepared the OEF battlespace during the early days prior to combat ops
-- 1st combat use of this msn configuration...revalidated flexibility/response of reachback architecture
- Engineered and implemented two Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System work stations
-- Increased throughput of large imagery files; provided CENTCOM with thousands of files over a
day period versus only 95 images sent forward in previous
9 months via the old antiquated network Note:
Numbering system doesn't follow. It might be minor, but it is the little
things that count.
-- Imagery systematically collected, analyzed, disseminated and transmitted to users in under 30 mins
- Married DGS-?'s U-2/Global Hawk msn with DGS-?'s Predator UAV operation; advanced situational
awareness and realization of battlefield effects to unit personnel...boosted unit pride/dedication to msn
- Established new alignment procedures on imagery monitors; enhanced resolution to clearly identify
valid targets...lessens potential for errant targeting, collateral damage and loss of non-combatant lives
- Forged completion of multiple upgrades to the Mission Intelligence Segment (MIS); engineered a MIS
host equipment rack design...facilitated future upgrades; reduced equipment inspection time by 50%
-- Quadrupled image processing speed of MIS work stations; jacked-up memory from 512MB to 2GB
-- Increased reference/mission imagery storage capacity; replaced 9GB hard drives with 72GB drives Note:
What's a GB? Non-tech people judge these. Have to be careful with the
- Encyclopedia of knowledge; knows the whole system like non-other...8 years of
DGS-? experience
-- Led team of trainees; installed temp sensor network for the Deployable Transit-cased System (DTS)
-- Eyes/ears of $12M system; protects/warns crew of over-temp problems...prevented equip damage
- Significant player in DTS upgrade; donated 19 workcenters desks for the new modification proposal
of a 1,800 sq/ft facility! Freed up an additional 100 sq/ft for future expansion; enabled 39 msn and 12
support systems...DGS-? now capable of simultanious, multi-platform imagery exploitation; first-ever
- Hand-picked by CC to perform additional duty First Sergeant duties for a 260-person unit; a special
honor considering there's 30+ SNCO's eligible for the job...showed faith in his leadership/judgment
-- Swiftly handled volatile domestic situation...collaborated w/base agencies; saved young relationship
- Wing Exercise Evaluation Team mbr; aided {WING}/DGS-? participation in Global Guardian exercise
-- Secured system time to process U-2 imagery from tape; proved capability/added realism to exercise
- Production Supervisor/flight focal point for 14 OEF U-2 sorties--prepared systems for various U-2,
Global Hawk and Predator configurations...msns gathered intel prior/during US-led ground offensive
- Organized/directed efforts for receiving the Excellent Installation Inspection team; led facility prep
efforts for both DGS-? facilities--ready and in inspection order in 1 day...praised by senior leadership
- Looks out for all airmen in unit! Established flight/workcenter Technician of the Quarter and Look
Sharp awards programs--replaced a paper certificate with unique eagle plaques---a paramount effort
- Unbridled enthusiasm/consistently superior! NCO of the Qtr, 2nd/Qtr 02 and w/c of the Qtr, 1st/Qtr
02 due to his superb managerial skills; the only technical sergeant running such a complex work center Note:
Bad placement. This would quantify the first bullet. I believe
the theory for the bullet was the first one on the second page. Strong,
but weakened the opening bullet to much.
- Precise integrator..aided acceptance/implementation testing of latest upgrades to prepare for future ops
-- Oversaw a $1M comms upgrade; transit-cased network gear...added flexibility for contingency ops
- Completed numerous actions in preparation for the squadron's annual {GROUP}'s Staff
Assistance Visit (SAV); flawlessly executed workcenter's self-inspection checklists; honed shop prgms
-- Scrutinized training records, revamped continuity books; earned the workcenter an excellent rating
-- SAV evaluators impressed with color-coded equip labels; allows fast inventory; prgms benchmarked
- Identified intermittent problems and processor slow-down on the Remote Sensor Control Workstation
-- Revised system software; real-time image files now zoom to image processors for rapid exploitation
-- Installed new tape drive; stored collection of imagery and audit data for network security managers
- Prepped unit/system for future combat msns; focused MIS ops to support UN resolutions on WMD
- Revised OEF Threatnet circuit to link ground station with the relocated $25M Mobile Stretch segment
-- Established alternate comm path; now ensuring monitoring compliance with current UN resolutions
- Responsible for merger of two distinctive workcenters into one cohesive production maintenance team
-- Resolved manpower constraints; freed personnel to beef up other 99% manned
-- Took-on new $5M system; merged 15 programs in 7 days and established 200 new training tasks
- Superb mentoring abilities molded subordinates into well-rounded AF assets and community activists
-- Sets the example; his leadership inspired personnel to get involved with organization, base and civil
functions; created a Base Honor Guard member, 2 Toastmasters, 3 AFSA, and
one NCOA member
-- His dedication/commitment, knowledge/experience contributed significantly to the unit winning such
prestigious citations as the Verne Orr and Air Force Association Citation of Honor awards for 2001
- Beale's Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) Chapter Legislative Executive...tracked legislative
process--reported back to chapter; raised awareness of enlisted issues; members energized/informed
- President-elect of {BASE} ToastMasters org; dedicated to improving base/personal communication skills
-- Improved public speaking skills; comp 5 of 10 speeches towards "Competent ToastMaster" award
- Enhanced speaking abilities; presented unit the Leadership Day briefing; instilled safety/core values
- Leadership understudy; read 2 books from CSAF suggested reading list...improved leadership insight
- Honors most deserving; organized/participated in 5 retirement ceremonies; upheld the finest traditions
- Earned 6 semester hours towards electrical engineering degree; just two classes away from his CCAF
- Takes care of his troops/contractors; strengthened his writing abilities...attended the EPR/Awards
writing course--pumps out winners! 9 award recipients so far this year;
6 airmen and 3 contractors
- Remolded units Jr Mentorship Program; tested against work center troops/readied for implementation
in unit--airmen now know what it takes to be on top; gives a well-balanced insight to AF career paths
- Fair/square; sat on BTZ, base/quarter/annual awards boards--learned; now writes more competitively
- Attended a 3 day SNCO training seminar; learned valuable tools of the trade from top enlisted force
- Self-taught on sqd engraving machine; pushed out 40 frames, 80 lithos, 75 coins, 32 Qtr awards and
100 plaques; taught others engraving techniques; eliminated formal training; saves unit $5K annually
- Mbr of the local American Legion/NCOA; ran fund raisers, cooked/served 400 at Toys for Tots event
- Habitat for Humanity regular; donated time building houses for needy families in the local community
- Keeps our streets clean! Active in the Adopt-a-Highway program; gathered/disposed of unsightly trash
- Teachers assistant! Educated/supervised pre-school and kindergarten students; taught 50 hrs this year - Distributed food to families in need! Worked the US Dept of Agriculture's food distribution program
- Unit coordinator for the US Savings Bond drive; reached personnel contact goal of 100% in 36 hours
- Active in the DGS-? Top-4; cooked for events, worked concert fund-raisers...earned committee $12K
- Organized AFSA golf tournament; fund-raiser earned $800 for chapter--financed base Awards prgms
- Supports those in need outside local community; distributes food at Soup Kitchens in
{CITY} area
- Ran unit food prgm; collects perishables from commissary and redistributes to needy families on base
- Salvation Army Volunteer; prepared/cooked/served holiday meals to hundreds of less fortunate souls
- Special Olympics volunteer; worked 4-day Fall Classic; moved four tons of equip, made 2K lunches
and served 1,300 hot meals to support 1K athletes, coaches and volunteers; praised by Games Director
- Community heritage volunteer; assembled/disassembled/marched dragon for the local Bok Kai Parade
- Assisted AFA in awarding a Silver Star at base ceremony; led team in setup/service/teardown of event
I like the package. Lots of "whole person" description".
The main problem with the package is the attention to detail. The opening
line reads like fluff. The couple of misspellings,
and the bad use of numbering.
is the % in time